Create VHD with DISKPART
create vdisk file=[filename] maximum=[size in MB] type=[fixed or expandable]
select vdisk file=[filename]
attach vdisk
create partition primary
assign letter=[driver letter]
format quick label=[label]
Mount it with attach command or just double click the vhd file.
Create Partition and Format the VHD
Convert .VHD to .VHDX (for Windows 8/2012 only)
Convert-VHD -Path [.vhd] -DestinationPath [.vhdx]
PS D:\Data> Convert-VHD -Path .\Important.vhd -DestinationPath .\Important.vhdx
(Note: diskpart can make .vhdx directly by create command with .vhdx extension)
To create child vhd
create vdisk file=[child filename] parent=[parent filename]
create vdisk file=[filename] maximum=[size in MB] type=[fixed or expandable]
select vdisk file=[filename]
attach vdisk
create partition primary
assign letter=[driver letter]
format quick label=[label]
Mount it with attach command or just double click the vhd file.
Create Partition and Format the VHD
Convert .VHD to .VHDX (for Windows 8/2012 only)
Convert-VHD -Path [.vhd] -DestinationPath [.vhdx]
PS D:\Data> Convert-VHD -Path .\Important.vhd -DestinationPath .\Important.vhdx
(Note: diskpart can make .vhdx directly by create command with .vhdx extension)
To create child vhd
create vdisk file=[child filename] parent=[parent filename]